Hello everyone I'm Enrico, I am Italian and live in Ica in Peru in the city where the Tridattili Mummies of Nazca are kept. The bodies that have been found to date are divided into two completely distinct breeds, a high 160 with hybrid characteristics very similar to homo sapiens and a high only 60 cm with unique features never encountered before.
Since these beings have been delivered to the University of Ica I have personally been in contact with the professors who are studying them and we have managed to donate with the Association of Italians in Peru of which I am a part (PeruItalia.com) the first 500 Dollars to help research. I was able on several occasions to see the bodies and even touch them while interviewing the study staff. The bodies were found in the 2015 Nazca area and have been studied for three years by the group of Gaia.com, Inkary Association and Thierry Jamin's team (the-alien-project.com) through a team of biologists, researchers and doctors (Mexican, French and Russian). Examinations included a physical chemical analysis of the skin that resulted in a keratin-based composition without sweatducts, so with a structure very similar to that of reptiles. The carbon antiquity test 14 on the two races encountered testify to an antiquity of 1000 e 1750 years when the Paracas culture lived in the area (famous for the elongation of the skull and for their advanced surgical surges to the brain through the treasuration of the skull) and then the Nazca culture (famous instead for the megalithic lines of Nazca). DNA evidence shows that the smaller breed has a genetic similar to that of ancient dinosaurs that lived 200 million years ago while the second race has a hybrid DNA similar to man sapiens only for the 25/30% while the rest is unknown. These examinations were accompanied by X-rays and a tomography 16 sections made in Cuzco that showed that the internal structure is harmonious and has not been manipulated or assembled in any way. These examinations of the interior of beings, especially the small ones have shown unique characteristics of a completely different breed from any ever seen before. A breed that could be classified as a reptile-humanoid with ovipara reproduction, skin akin to that of reptiles, hollow bones similar to those of some saurians and birds, joined and welded shoulder blades in a drill similar to that of ancient dinosaurs or some modern bird species. The joints are also distinct, similar to flamingos, for example. The spine and circular ribs have a unique structure that partly resembles that of turtles. The main feature is that all beings encountered have three fingers without a opposable thumb with their feet and a unique walk similar to that of some Australian birds. The luck for scholars is that the bodies dried up along with the internal organs thanks to the diatome an ancient antibacterial fossil algae that kept the bodies almost intact. Finally, we add that metallurgical examinations were also done because inside some bodies they encountered strange biological grafts made of a mixture of copper and gold very similar to the proto processing of native metals. Once you have finished studying the bodies and after you have published the results of well 30 exams done on these beings (the-alien-project.com/en/mummies-of-nasca-results) the mummies were delivered in the 2019 at San Luisa Gonzaga University in Ica (Peru) in order to proceed to a second battery of examinations and to be able to confirm and deepen the studies previously done. At the end of February this year the University was able to complete the X-rays, tomographs 128 sections and an iconographic study that clearly identified that the Paracas and Nazca culture had probably had contact with these beings often by divinizing them and representing them in ceramics, giant petroglyphs and fabrics. In the next month we will carry out the DNA tests thanks to the collaboration of a Brazilian University and a Mexican study laboratory. To this we also add the help from Italian and French study groups. At the end of the first series of examinations, the Peruvian University will hold a congress to confirm this discovery, perhaps the most important made since humanity entered the modern era. The first confirmation that we are not the only sentient beings in the universe but we have even lived with other races (extra ground) probably more advanced and evolved than our interchanging knowledge and development. I think we're all called to help, that at least that's what I've felt inside since I help the University and the many scholars trying to come together to help. If you want to help the research too do it through the association Peru Italy Thank you
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