Why Peru, as I decided to change my world

Why Peru, as I decided to change my world

I am Italian and lived in Peru for more than two years.

This country continues to be an open window to search for something more ordinary.

Many ancestral beliefs and some rituals done by few curanderi were they doggedly to keep away the rationality that circumscribes the boundaries of everyday life.

Our perception in fact is limitless, Heisemberg uncertainty theory, the universe's smallest brick is energy. We limit this world with rationality, ponenedo a limit on perception and forcing us to see everything just like matter.

The ancients here in Peru saw and still see the world as Pacha Mama, a living Mother, as divine forces in action, come Energy substantially. Exactly what they're seeing the greatest scientists of quantum physics today!

Unfortunately the organized tours don't allow you to live this magic being rational routes studied by Western for the convenience of the modern tourist.

I still recommend as first Peruvian experience the Cusco and Machu Picchu that give an idea of how the Hispanic man was still conscious of the magic that surrounds us and the connection to the natural world (Pacha Mama).

If you have a few days in the second half is definitely la selva Peruana. One of the places with greater biodiversity of the planet. An unchallenged triumph of nature. Tambopata nature reserve Board or Chanchamayo. Places where man has reached an extraordinary knowledge of the use of plants, from the medical to the ritual. Here the natives learned to see the energy without the use of microscopes, but thanks to the amplification of human perception as Ayahuasca rituals.

Finally for those who had the chance, I would recommend you visit the desert of Ica that millions of years ago was below sea level. An open air museum with fossils of dwarf whales and giant sharks megalodonts. I live there!

Remember, the Mystic is like an onion by peeling layer after layer to get to the heart, the essence of what we really are and were. The world on the other hand was flat up to 500 years ago, round until yesterday and now quantum multipossibile in accordance with the. Tomorrow is simply nothing filled by what we project ourselves with our thoughts. I at least I saw it so thanks to Ayahuasca.

For those wishing to read up very interesting theory of holographic reality of the legendary Professor Corrado Malanga of the University of Pisa or the books and studies of anthropologist Carlos Castaneda continued and deepened by our very Italian Marco Baston.

The steps of this process are as always used to look towards other directions, to dare, and this can be achieved at the beginning through readings “alternatives” It then becomes necessary direct experience. The try physically the ability, with a different heart, lighter and deculturalizzato.

We Italians we have in DNA, Marco Polo, Christopher Columbus, Amerigo Vespucci, Guglielmo Marconi, don't make a habit of seeing the world only with the two slices of mortadella that put you in front of the nose.

To me personally the Peru forced me to see every day the world with other eyes, with other physical sensations, You can only try and it does not make sense to write except to try to break down the barriers of society that you encapsulate a world easy and sterile.

Your mind has unlimited powers, just what did they used to not believe it. Still does not believe it… or come to Peru. 馃檪

I wrote the most beautiful places I've visited in Peru you can find me on PERUITALIA.com. Henry +51 997286002

(In the picture a hut in the Central Andes where I visited a family of ranchers of blade, Susuma 2015)

1 Comment

  1. Francesco

    Hello Enrico, I found this site from your post on the Facebook group the whiff of the shaman. I'm about to go back to Peru for the second time this summer and my idea is to go looking for mystical experiences. Already I booked a week in the wild to do ayahuasca but I wanted to ask you some advice to find trusted people to turn to! You can help me? I'll be there from the 25 July to July 28 August. I don't deny that in my thoughts there is the idea of figuring out whether to move completely… Thank you very much

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