Programa de Facturación Automática Automatizada en Peru y Factura

Programa de Facturación Automática Automatizada en Peru y Factura

Automatización de la Infarction to Customers

Hemos creado a programa que permite a las empresas automatizar el envío, impresión archivado y digitales de facturas. Esta solución permite alcanzar of the Automatización 100% Infarction in the proceso de clientes.
1) Ahorre tiempo porque ya no tiene que escribir las hand facturas.

2) Automatice and 100% creación de clientes de facturas to.

3) Conformidad legal facturas ELECTRONICAS de la ley Peruana.

4) Posibilidad de emitir facturas en línea desde cualquier equipo.

5) Almacenamiento de nombres y facturas clientes en una base de datos.

6) Duplicación factura.

7) Gestión de almacenes automatizados.


Facturación Automática en Peru

Factura Automatizada Peru

Automatización Facturación Peru



Italian Version


I'm Henry the creator of the automated billing program for Peru.


I used it for my Italian company and now that I have come to live and work in Peru I had to adapt it to the billing system that is slightly different Peruvian.


By law, indeed, Peruvian billing must be made on paper Carbonless and data must then be compiled manually or printed with a dot matrix printer (empresora matricial).


The program consists of the following sections:


1) NEW PAGE INVOICE / DDT / QUOTES: Where to put data or customer data recuparere a customer already entered, add items to the invoice / delivery note / quote choosing from those created in the database or creating new ones. E 'can also decide the price system, the imposition of VAT (RUC) and other parameters.

Once you have entered the data the program will automatically adjust the size of the bill that you have chosen the company that printed the bills numbered consecutively. Our company (SAC) for greater professionalism chose the A4 and the white color for both the original and the three subsequent (The molding of the invoice is required with dot-matrix printer and the Epson has created a model "ad hoc" which costs 200 USD).


2) PAGE LIST OF BILLS / DDT / QUOTES: To view and manage who has paid and who has yet to settle and analyze the total sales by month or year.


3) PAGE MAGAZINE: To create items that are used most often in the invoice, facilitate the entry and make sure that the program can find the best sellers.


4) CHANGES IN STOCK LIST PAGE: To see the various movements that have changed the quantity of items in the warehouse.


5) PAGE CHECK AVAILABILITY 'OF STOCK: To report a need for reorganization under the minimum stock set.


6) PAGE ORDER MANAGEMENT BY ANY DEALER: Other distributors or outlets with a user name or password may perform reorders seeing the amount available on-line.


7) HOME SALES FOR THE MONTH: To see the differences in the various sales and mesili years.


8) HOME SALES BY CODE: To see what are the codes to keep more sold preferentially in stock.


All the billing system is on-line so you can perform all the steps listed above from any computer and / or by different users at different locations.


This system greatly facilitates the issuance of invoices and creates a professional document that is presented to its customers.


You no longer need to manually compile the bills and keep always visible and stored all the data without having to wait for the economic reports of your accountant. This in order to make the best business decisions quickly regarding their own company.


The program is customized on the model of bills that a company has already or plan to create and the type of warehouse or services that the company intends to sell.


The program is associated with the annual management of the SQL database for storage of invoices and a monthly backup that is sent monthly to safeguard the data stored.


This program has proved to be very useful for companies like ours that have the need to create a large number of invoices.

It has the advantage of saving a lot of time in filling out the invoice and avoids the use of a person hired appostitamente.

Also avoids the manual compilation and unprofessional invoices and shipping documents.

Helps manage to your advantage all the data entered in order to make better business decisions.


Although the documents are sent to the accountant he is greatly facilitated.



Contactanos / Contact Us:


Calle Moquegua, 189 Int.1 – ICA

Telfs.: 997 441454 – 997 286002
