I tried this experience while I was on vacation in the Amazon jungle in Peru's Tambopata reserve. On the day of the ritual we prepared for the evening just doing breakfast and lunch frugal. To 20.00 arrived at our bungalow Shaman named Amador (In the attached photos is preparing the infusion of Ayahuasca). He took us in his van in a home he built with lime whitewashed walls, corrugated iron roof and wooden beams. Amador tells us along the way, its history. He studied in Lima, took various specializations and then 20 years the grandfather appeared to him in a dream and saw that it was shaman taught him the magic of herbs and Ayahuasca. His grandfather was a native of Peru and the indigenous grandmother indigenous native Barsile.

Amador now begins preparations, are six of us have to be treated. The first is a mother with baby. Amador passes a talisman in both hands, a cross in the chest and puts another object in the waistband of his pants. Smokes his pipe and blowing on the smoke inhaled sending away the bad energy. After it's up to us. The other two women are the cousin and the sister of the Shaman. The older I found it throughout the session the aide or the apprentice. Amador makes us pass the same treatment of the child. Then blowing the smoke on my girlfriend and tells him he will give you a small dose of Ayahuasca and that has a beginning of cyst but it'll be okay. To me after blowing the smoke say that they are healthy and all is well. Does the same for the other two women. Smoke around the room and sprinkled around the grounds of an acidic substance such as a spring onion and sweet as an old perfume. This makes it even outside the hut where we settled for the ritual. It starts to turn to drink Ayahuasca. And 'bitter but knocked down a shot of all pass. The shaman now begins to tell him that we will monitor and where to throw up at the end of the ritual because that is the purpose to get to clean inside.

We lie and he starts with a chant in Spanish: 'Dottorsito ... Dottorsito ...' Slowly begin to repeat themselves in my head outline drawings to perhaps similar to those of an embroidered cloth that locals use a little 'everywhere, and they say serves to communicate with your inner self. These designs start to become repetitive bees of a cardboard or an old electronic game and then return to normal. The aura of the shaman becomes more undulating. At this point, the shaman starts talking to the older woman and her voice is hypnotic. From there my thoughts begin to swell and the brain becomes active and begins to run much faster than normal. They are capable in the hamlet of moments to follow a myriad of thoughts, many logical threads, many conclusions. I begin to think that the world we live in was built by a God and that the world is made of the experience of many people in order to refine the knowledge of the God. We are an instrument in God's hands. We were created imperfect, and we have limited, allowing us to use only part of all the faculties of our brain. If it were not so we would have been up already to be like God. That is, create billions of logical thoughts related to each other, creating a world. While I think all of this makes me laugh and I feel enlightened. I'm in the position of the Buddha lying on Finaco and I'm fine. I feel that I understand everything and this still makes me laugh. I think of God as Homer Simpson and his friend in front of the television with two bottles of beer laughing out loud for the embarrassing situations that do go to the poor human. Then I think God should at least have a white beard and Santa Claus comes to mind and then he had to have the features of the man of Leonardo Da Vinci. While I laugh and I feel enlightened. I try to sleep because I say and I am convinced that these are just rational thoughts but I can not. Every now and then I start to yawn. Seeking contact with my girlfriend but I can not. She like the other two women threw up almost immediately. I so far I have not vomited. Feel now the direction of a frog Amazonian that crackles as uncork in continuation of a bottle cap in miniature. I intend to ask the shaman that sound is. Seeking union with God and I laugh so happy with all the conclusions arrival until I, definitely wrong, that all my arguments are just a figment of my imagination. I then try to ask for the power to have an exceptional memory and also try to seek the power to heal with your hands and remove the negative energy man-. Every time I do the faithful dog of the Shaman starts to bark along with the neighbors' dogs as if it was my destiny to ask these powers. The dog barks even when I ask what is beyond this world governed by this God. He barks when we begin to feel the roof slabs that move and the sound of a bird's wings flapping in the windows, From there, the scene becomes even more unreal, approaching rain clouds, thunder and lightning flashing. I think the best thing is to help the Shaman to send away the evil spirits that enter cercono. I open the palm of the hand in the direction of the noise and try to send them away. Every time you hear a suspicious noise also Shaman blows into his fist and opens suddenly to repel intruders. Reassures us, making us feel that he is with us. He speaks and sings her lullaby and I feel safer. Thus began to rain a cascade of billions of water droplets. I am looking for my girlfriend but she is sleeping, I would like to hug her but I can not, I try to merge with her, but then I can not make a connection to the head and heart with a luminous cord. I make a pact saying I want us to be together for life. It occurs to me only now that when I thought of being at one with creation I thought that happiness is a paliativo that is given as a reward. In exchange, however, we have to endure lives of suffering and many bad times. God has created disharmony to see how we can get the harmony and learn from this. Then you will understand that it is complete and the downsides like the scent given to help us in this room to vomit and there will no longer be able to create a perfect world to live. The one and we all. The only sound now is the prehistoric frog that holds the rhythm to dance and sing our soul in unknown paths, without fear. I understand why my nose is a bit longer, a view of a little imperfect, thinning hair, physical is not quite perfect. I understand that if I had already given everything, I never understood. I understand why when I wanted something not always realized. I was a being in evolution, and I had to learn that each of us lives in his own world that must constantly seek to improve. I was scared while it was raining and some spirit walking on the iron roof of the shed. I was afraid that if I understood all this at once my world would no longer existed, and everything would have imploded like a soap bubble. Now I know that is not true and that God must find a mature stability as all we have to find balance in the midst of all our daily problems. Just because this life better. Always drive out demons and evil thoughts and always follow the flow of life.
To contact you directly with Amador:

Hello, I would like to know what exactly is the name of the city, and if possible to have a direct contact with the curandero Amador.
Amador shaman if encuentra en el Puerto Maldonado, Tambopata, Peru se puede en ubicar jarayamador@hotmail.com
Hello curandero did not have a phone but only an email: jarayamador(snail)hotmail(point)com I hope it is worthwhile.
Compliments, I too have had experiences with ayahuasca and have been very rewarding, however it really compliments because you understand what you've written quite a lot and this gives me a great pleasure … a hug.
Hello Thor99, thanks for the comment! You've tried where the Ayahuasca?
I already told you all in person but I promise that as soon as I get a little’ time I will write my experience, Hoping it can inspire the minds that read 馃檪